sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011

"And arrived in front of me Bulgar-city" (G. Tukai). Bolgar-city is situated in Tatarstan (Russia) on the Volga river. It is the capital of one of the early states of Eastern Europe. Within the city, surrendered by barrage and moat, the memorials of the 13-14th centuries are situated. Among them are the Eastern and Northern Mausoleums, burial-vault of the Khan, the Small Minaret, sauna of the Khan and the main mosque. One of the pillars of the mosque is reconstructed. They call it the Pillar of wishes. On the day of celebration of the acceptance of Islam by Volzhskaya Bolgaria (21 of May 922) on the whole ground of Bolgar, a large number of pilgrims arrive and each of them has the possibility to make his wish by touching this pillar. In the past, Bolgar attracted many creative people of Russia such as famous painters A. Savrasov, I Shishkin and B. Urmanche, who left to the world their works made in Bulgar. Great Tatar poet G. Tukai devoted to these places many of his lyrical lines.

Format: no limits.
Media: free.
Documentation: to every participant.
Exhibitions: June 2011 (first stage) and June 2012 (second stage), Exhibition Hall, Kazan.
Curators of the show: Tatiana Makarova and Irina Mitryushkina.
Deadlines to be received:
1st stage: May 31, 2011.
2nd stage: May 31, 2012.

Tatiana Makarova
PO Box 85 PO Box 85

Kazan, Tatarstan Kazan, Tartária

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